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  • Writer's pictureKatherine

Manor in the Snow

There is something magical about waking up to a world blanketed in the first snow of the year. The first glimpse out the window is perhaps akin to emerging from the wardrobe into Narnia - especially when the window is attached to an English manor house. We were told the snow was not all that common for January, and that fact only built up the sense of awe. Once classes finished for the day, just about everyone was outside tromping over the snow-covered grounds, taking photos of the stone lions peeking out from their winter dusting, the cold, wrought iron softened under layers of snowflakes, and friends pummeled by snowballs.

My snowy trek took me past Peter the swan in his canal up to the rose garden, where there was probably the most Narnia allusion-worthy scene: a sculpture of Pan playing his flute beneath a good few inches of snow. Now thoroughly wet from the falling flakes and the snowballs jettisoned our way, we went back inside and enjoyed mugs of hot chocolate from the bistro watching the snowfall.

These small moments are the memories that stand out most in my mind amidst all the exciting memories of trips around England, Ireland, Wales, and Spain. It's the small moments between the trips and classes that truly make the study abroad experience special.

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